Universal Traders Sacco (UTS), previously known as Masaku Traders Sacco Society Limited, was registered in 1991 as a co-operative society in response to the economic needs of the local populace. The common business people were then unable to access credit facilities from the mainstream financial institutions due to lack of collateral and other conditional ties. The Society was therefore a result of the vision and initiative of a few business people who decided to harness the resources of the existing small and medium enterprises by pooling resources so as to access affordable credit facilities. UTS has a network of seven branches spread out in the lower Eastern region. They include Machakos, Wote, Tala, Embu, Kathiani, Kitui, Mlolongo Branches & Runyenjes satellite office
We offer well structured and affordable products and services geared at meeting the needs of our clientele who range from farmers, micro-entrepreneurs, civil servants, self help groups and associations. Due to the evolving nature of the industry, the UTS research and marketing team continually apply technology and innovation to develop products that address the needs of our members without compromising its financial sustainability.
UTS was licensed by SASRA in the year 2011 as a deposit taking Sacco.